FACULTY FEEDBACK FORM College Code: 2137 Name of the Faculty★ Designation★ Specialization★ No. of Years Experience★ Date★ COURSE AND CURRICULUM Relevance of textbooks and reference books available in college PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Updated concepts in the curriculum as per Osmania University are implemented PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent The course outcomes are well defined and clear? PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent INTERNAL ASSESSMENT Does the internal exams are conducted as per OU almanac PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Promptness in evaluating answer scripts PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Transparency in Internal assessments PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent WORK ENVIRONMENT Job satisfaction in the work place PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Relation with colleagues PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Teaching aids in class room PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Seating arrangements for faculty PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Academic independence in college PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Opinion about salary satisfaction PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Increments given as per performance PoorSatisfactoryGoodExcell ent Suggestions Faculty Feedback Form Download